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Baptist Church.
Come experience the joy of belonging to a faith community that values community, worship, and purpose.
Welcome To
Shaktisali Baptist Church…
Shaktisali Baptist Church is an Evangelical Reformed Baptist Church & we subscribe to the 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith. We believe the Bible as our final source of authority to teach and govern life of our church. As a local congregation, we prayerfully seek to grow as a community of the display the gospel for the glory of God alone.

सुसमाचार भनेको के हो ?

सुसमाचार शब्दको अर्थ असल समाचार हो, त्यसैले जब ख्रीष्टियानहरूले सुसमाचाको बारेमा बोल्दछन् तब उनीहरूले साधारणतया येशूको असल खबरको बारेमा बताइरहेका
हुन्छन् ! तर यो अरु असल समाचार जस्तोमात्र होइन, यसले प्रतिकृयको माग गर्दछ !..


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Worship Gatherings

Every Saturday 10:30 AM to 12:15 PM

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